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Song of Songs: 1980 - 1986 (Comments by John Boda)

Standing left to right:

Mark Waner - Gina Hysom - Deb Waner


Sitting left to right:

John Boda - Kerry Potter

These black and white shots are all from that same busy day! My jacket is off here and the fence, the slide, why not sit on the stairs? 

Anyone else have an idea of another shot?

Probably the best sane shot of the day

Same photo shoot circa 1984 but for some reason I put on a jacket. This was taken behind Mark & Deb's house. At the time I lived in another small house in back they owned also.

Behind the fence!!!!

I think by this time we ran out of ideas and went to the silly pose. I do not recall why I am not in it except maybe I had one more idea: me taking the picture.

Now here's some pictures of some live concerts: These were taken in a barn! I only recall the hay and barn, and one more thing, no we did NOT play Rawhide!

One of our many church concerts and I must have found that long lost sweet note and only wish I could still find it

I have no idea where this is except it must have been a long concert as I am sitting down like Mark, but I seem to have invented the first amp-chair! Fact: I actually still have that amp and use it often 30 years later and counting!

We should have had many pictures of our long weekly practice sessions (which turned out to be theology discussion-jamming blended) but these are the only ones I have! Yes they are both me on Mark's couch during a practice session, and yes, those mustaches were COOL back then!

Now here's a few from our recording sessions of "Till the Reign Comes" 1984. I can say for sure what song I am shaking the cabasa on also: "Trinity" one of mine from the album which has that Latin groove

As I recall it took several different days to record and get it right hence the different clothes.On the left are Deb & Gina sisters of angelic harmonies! And on the right Mark joins them through the window in the studio.

Thue album cover picture shoots: This was in spring of 1984 and my specific recall was that the weather was fine but we brought umbrellas and raincoats to play off the title of "Till the Reign (Rain) Comes" but during the session it actually started to pour amid a heavy thunderstorm! In bringing the rain gear we first looked pathetic, but during the rain we became very prophetic! The one that was used is one the original album is at bottom with text and on main page.

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